Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kwality "Walls" - Eye Screams !!!!

The existence of the Berlin Wall is causing a lot of distress and frustration in the minds of young socialist IIIT-B students.
A march in protest to attract the administration's attention is being organised from the Men's Hostel (MH) - > registrar's room - > volvo bus-stop where in you take the volvo to City Sagar -> Dominos -> Canteen-> Women's Hostel (WH) TV room -> Terrace -> bunjee jump all the way to the pool.

Some of our suggestions for the berlin-wall are as follows...

1. Break the damn thing.

2. Burn it.

3. Arrangement of daily meetings into the WH , with prior booking from ABY.(Bookings open till 12:00 noon daily)

4. Allowing access from the terrace.( To hell with the wall)

5. There is an ingenious method of communication as used conventionally in jails. Two phones could be arranged on either side of the wall which has a window like arrangement. With an elderly prof/ short registrar/ Severly-Damaged-English speaking BEC teacher/ Frustrated security guard/Ever smiling System Admin/P-mils standing for watch!

6. Half the wall could be broken , pessimist(sexist) iiitb students could assume its half closed , while the optimist(socialist) iiitb students could assume its half open!

7. Walls bearing doors with access cards can be arranged for.
Privileged cards for
  • those who have >=1 testimonials in orkut from the opposite sex.
  • watched DDLJ >=666 times
  • those who won the rangoli event at spamdan recently
8. In a recent debate at the annual swashbuckling college fest "Spamdan", one intellectual individual admitted that 22-29 happens to be a very "unpredictable age". We to-date haven't been able to figure out what that means ( sounds dangerous though ) but these individuals shall be barred from all privileges and kept at a custom-made asylum (where the Open Some Labs guys reside)

9. One drop box on either side of the hostel where prospective casanovas can post their resumes can be arranged too. They need not try and use the mailbox to flirt in a subtle yet public sense anymore.(Red-deep note).

Those interested in all the tear-jerking / sentiment pouring /mom-in-law bashing soaps will be granted access to the TV room at the WH. While those with a penchant for gory action sequences and mindless pelvic thrusting dance sequences of regional language movies will be granted access to the MH T.V room.

dialup shoomacher/ huh-rish