Saturday, October 29, 2005

Lost and Found!

From: iiit-b Loser
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2006; iiitbs2007; iiitbs2008
Subject: Lost. Waaaaaaaaaaa!

Dear All,

I have lost my "note" somewhere in room 131. The note is in shades of pale yellow and pale orange and has "10" written on the one side in large font. Right above this '10' is wriitem "RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" and beside it is a smiling picture of Mahatma Gandhi. On the other side of the note is a picture of a tiger that looks very angry. If you find the note and don't return it, the tiger will eat you.

Go find my note for me. Now! Note that I have not enquired at the reception if someone who found the note left it there. So maybe you will find my note there.

P.S. I'm sending this out to the future iiit-b batches also so that they can return the note to me if they find it once they get here.

iiit-b Loser

From: iiit-b Finder
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2003; iiitbs2002; iiitbs2001
Subject: Found. YuHooooooo!

Dear All,

I've found a "note" in room 131. Whoever the note belongs to, collect it from me after giving the full details (like color, contrast, description and the unique number on it). I'm not leaving the note at the reception from where the loser can collect it because then I'll not be able to send out this mail.

Note that I have not checked my mail to see if the loser mailed looking for it. Why should I? I'm the finder and sending this mail itself is a great service I am doing to you all.

P.S. I'm sending this out to the past iiit-b batches also so that if this is their note, they can collect it from.

Thank me,
iiit-b Finder

From: iiit-b Loser
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2006; iiitbs2007; iiitbs2008
Subject: Lost, and found. Hee hee hee!

Dear All,

I've finally, after a lot of searching and screaming, found my note. I just thought that I'd let you all know so that you can stop searching for it and get back to your work.

Until next time,
iiit-b Loser

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Invader Alert ! A historical Perspective...

IIIT-B was apparently an abandoned god forsaken building, before it was acquired by our dear founders.

Turns out that a long long time ago, sometime before christ was born and shahjahan built the Taj, IIIT-B was in posession of the parsians. They used a major chunk of land (where the fountain is housed now) to graze their cattle. They led a very simple life and were happy at chasing chickens by the daylight and flying kites by the moonlight. The persians had strange accents and would often shift time to time as nomads. (from where the icici ATM is now to where the UBI atm is).

Behind,( where the hostels are) the greeks too used to live a rather quiet life under an incompetent king called "Roh". King Roh used to love loitering around the pond and would sit for hours watching bubbles surface and amuse himself. One quiet morning the portuguese under the able leadership of King Tavant de Gama invaded what is the IIIT-B campus now from the side (where the UBI is housed) and captured king Roh! King Roh wept incessantly begging for mercy..and so did the persians with their strange accents. The tireless charismatic swashbuclking and merciful king Tavant granted the weeping king Roh mercy and set him free. Failure to understand the strange accented persians, he ordered for all their cattle to be executed. But King Tavant later felt sorry about the incident and built a memorial for the cattle for the persians.Shahjahan took time off his Taj and worked to design what is now known to be the DOME.

Many many years later, ardent followers of King roh, (now called the weep-roh ites) strange accented perians (now called the accentures) and the descendants of King Tavant de gama (now known as the Tavants) visit the campus for the daily cattle memorial service ( now housed at the cisco lab, first floor ...) to offer their prayers. They also sit at the OSL lab and learn about their ancestors extravagant lifestyle and occasionally weep at the sound of king Roh!

Thus IIIT-B is a fragmented dynasty which has survived for centuries from invasions by the Tavants, Accentures and Weeprohites...and will continue to do so....