Lost and Found!
From: iiit-b Loser
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2006; iiitbs2007; iiitbs2008
Subject: Lost. Waaaaaaaaaaa!
Dear All,
I have lost my "note" somewhere in room 131. The note is in shades of pale yellow and pale orange and has "10" written on the one side in large font. Right above this '10' is wriitem "RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" and beside it is a smiling picture of Mahatma Gandhi. On the other side of the note is a picture of a tiger that looks very angry. If you find the note and don't return it, the tiger will eat you.
Go find my note for me. Now! Note that I have not enquired at the reception if someone who found the note left it there. So maybe you will find my note there.
P.S. I'm sending this out to the future iiit-b batches also so that they can return the note to me if they find it once they get here.
iiit-b Loser
From: iiit-b Finder
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2003; iiitbs2002; iiitbs2001
Subject: Found. YuHooooooo!
Dear All,
I've found a "note" in room 131. Whoever the note belongs to, collect it from me after giving the full details (like color, contrast, description and the unique number on it). I'm not leaving the note at the reception from where the loser can collect it because then I'll not be able to send out this mail.
Note that I have not checked my mail to see if the loser mailed looking for it. Why should I? I'm the finder and sending this mail itself is a great service I am doing to you all.
P.S. I'm sending this out to the past iiit-b batches also so that if this is their note, they can collect it from.
Thank me,
iiit-b Finder
From: iiit-b Loser
To: iiitbs2004; iiibs2005; iiitbs2006; iiitbs2007; iiitbs2008
Subject: Lost, and found. Hee hee hee!
Dear All,
I've finally, after a lot of searching and screaming, found my note. I just thought that I'd let you all know so that you can stop searching for it and get back to your work.
Until next time,
iiit-b Loser