Don't say we didn't warn you...
IIIT-B Security Measures in lieu of the recent events in the city...
If you notice any suspicious looking people moving around, inform De-Morogan, Aby, Sri Rao B.E or sane-dil so we can give them an application form!
If you notice an armed person or someone carrying explosive material (Bangchi) or other suspicious components screeeeam hysterically and run out of the campus.
If you notice suspicious looking material or unattended bags in the campus it might be filled with goodies, you can take it to your room and partyyy.
Strict vehicle and id-card checks, make sure all of them are emission tested!
In case of exchange of fire try to dodge bullets like the way keanu does. You can draw inspiration from "The Matrix" or any movie of SunnyDeol/Vijaykanth/Upendra.
Do not panic in the event of an incident, climb up the nearest tree and stay there until help arrives.
If any stranger asks you to care of some (suspicious looking) bags , throw it in the could be an explosive!
Kindly note some emergency numbers
111...................................Hutch Care
Fire 101
Fire again 102
Fire one last time 103
P.S for an actual version of this refer to the notice board at the reception.
Compiled by Dilip, KK and Harish
hilarious!!, all the job less job holders I see.
Life moves on ... after the recent incident at Eye Eye Can't SEE.... the registration at the "SECURITY ENGINEERING at eIye eIye eIye Totally Busted" ... sorry (s)elective course has gone to more than 90...
Mehta... you have competition...
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